Is Your Privacy Even Private Anymore?

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Most of us know that what we do online is not private nowadays and that everything we post, like and comment on will be there forever even if you delete them. But do you know how much of your life, outside of social media is being tracked and recorded on a daily basis...?

There is something called an "Electronic Tattoo" which basically means that people from all around the world are watching what you do online through the things you post and share on any social media platform. You are essentially leaving digital footprints behind that shape your online reputation.

While watching one of the Ted Talks on our class blog website, I learned that police officers are also taking away our right to privacy. In America, officers are tracking people's cars even if the person driving has done absolutely nothing wrong. They are scanning and taking photographs of the car and license plates of where people are going and who else is in the car with them. Police officers then store the photograph in their file just in case they need to use it against the person in the future. International Business Times wrote, "the information can reveal personal information, such as where you go to church, what doctors you visit and where you sleep at night" (

Image result for police officers scanning license plates

If you thought that was scary, think about how much you use your phone on a daily basis. Our cellphones are wired for surveillance first before anything else. When you are on your phone, making phone calls or just scrolling through social media, someone or something is most likely watching what you do and listening to your private conversations.

We lost the idea of privacy when we started using apps like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and even when we started using smartphones in general since everything we do is recorded and saved forever. So what do you think? Do you think the billions of people in the U.S. should continue to use phones that are wiretap friendly or not?

Here are the links to Ted Talks I referred to above:


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