The United States Supreme Court

In class we watched a video on the United States Supreme Court and here are some of the things that I learned from it:
  • The Supreme Court remains the most powerful Judicial body on Earth.
  • In all of history there have been just over a hundred Supreme Justices, serving an average of sixteen years. 
  • During the Marshall years, the new court gained respect as a co-equal branch of government.
  • The Dred Scott case was a very important decision that the Supreme Court had to make. 
  • Today the Supreme Court Justices look to the Constitution to resolve national problems. 
  • The Supreme Court receives more than a hundred new cases every week, and 7,000 a year.
These are just some of the facts and information I learned from watching this video in class. The Supreme Court Justices are the final judge in cases involving the Congress and the Constitution. In all, the Supreme Court Justices is one of the most powerful offices in the Unites States Government and they pretty much determine the future of our nation as a whole. 

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